Halakah: Our way of walking out our faith

The word, halakah (הֲלָכָה) is derived from the Hebrew root Hey-Lamed-Kafmeaning to go, to walk or to travel.

A sense of the definition would be  "the path that one walks."  Be One Fellowship uses the idea of the halakah to explain how our community functions. In other words, this is how we walk out our faith as a community. ​

We take the following actions based on the first century template (Acts 2:42-46):

Devoted to Teaching

Real Time Torah: A weekly Bible study gathering that includes teaching, music, fellowship and question and answer time. The teaching is in depth and explores the scriptures from a Hebraic worldview and modern practical use. 

The Hebraic Institute: As a part of Be One Ministries Equipping pillar, The Hebraic Institute is a place of indepth learning. This institue offers mutliple classes including Biblical Hebrew. Click the tab to learn more. 

Leaders Training: Be One trains leaders of the kehillah gatherings through a series of an intitial 7 week class and ongoing monthly meeting. We believe the greatest leaders are the ones that draw out the best in others rather than just put something into others. We therefore use a coaching model for our training. Each Shabbat Kehillah (Fellowship) leader is a coach (pastor) and is trained to bring out the best in everyone they are in community with. 

Media and Podcast: Be One records regular podcast and video teachings both in shorts (3-7 minutes) and longer (30-60 minutes) form. 

Breaking bread together

Weekly Shabbat: The priority meeting of the week is the Shabbat. People of our community and guest attend weekly Shabbat Fellowship dinners at homes through out the area. These dinners bring people together each week as the priesthood of the home and the priesthood of each believer is experienced. These dinners connect us together with G-d, each other and people from around the world. This is our main community focus.

Meeting in the Temple

Community Shabbat Celebration: Once a month we invite everyone to join our entire community and celebrate a corporate Shabbat together. This gathering includes, food, music, dance, teaching, liturgy and ancient chants. This is a great opportunity to see the body of Messiah in action and on an ancient path. 

The Biblical Feasts: Each year we gather together to celebrate the Biblical Feast as described in Leviticus 23 among other places.

We recognize the following as Biblical feasts on which we gather.

Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot, Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashannah), Yom Kippur, Sukkot

We recognize the following as traditional non-biblical celebrations, holidays, or commemorations. Some of these we gather and others just recognize.

Hannukah, Purim, Yom HaAtzma’ut (Israel Independence Day), Simchat Torah, Days of the Omer, Yom HaShoah, Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)

We are a community without walls and therefore invite you to join us for any of our events or gatherings. Whether you desire to learn more about the Hebraic way, learn the Bible in a more in depth way or you want a community to grow with, we would love to share our world with you!

If you would like to know more about our community or meet with our leadership simply contact us through email. [email protected]